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City Council Meeting - 04/14/2005
Auburn City Council
Meeting # 15
April 14, 2005
Business Meeting

Roll Call – Mayor Lattimore, Councilors Jacobs, McNabb, and Hunter Present.  Councilor Dempsey came in shortly after roll call.  

Staff Members Present – John Salomone, City Manager; Thomas Leone, Corporation Counsel; Michele McNabb, Deputy City Clerk; Gary Giannotta, Police Chief; Lisa Green, City Comptroller; Michael Quill, Fire Chief; Nancy Hussey, Assistant Corporation Counsel; William Lupien, Superintendent of Engineering Services.

All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.  

Presentations and Proclamations –The Clerk read.

Public Announcements – The Clerk read.

City Manager’s Report – City Manager sent a letter to Senator Nazzolio applying for the $50,000 grant for economic development that was supported by the Auburn Public Power Agency.  He also sent a letter to various boards such as ACDC, AIDA and Empire Zone to come to the council meeting on May 5th.  The Mayor asked the City Manager to comment on the meeting today with Cornell.  The City Manager explained.

Public to be Heard –
Alicia McKeen – spoke to council regarding the clinic that was held last Sunday for feral cats and the cost associated with running the clinic.  She thanked the Mayor for coming to the clinic.

David Colegrove, President of ACDC – spoke to council regarding the objectives of ACDC.  He said they are not affiliated with any other organization and that everyone is welcome to attend.  He also said they are not publicly funded and that any funding received goes directly towards projects and not towards their operating budget.  Mayor Lattimore asked questions to Mr. Colegrove regarding the Mayor’s involvement with ACDC.  Mr. Colegrove responded.  Councilor Jacobs asked if ACDC would be attending the May 5th meeting.  Mr. Colegrove responded by saying yes.  Councilor Dempsey thanked all the members of ACDC that came to the meeting and invited them to attend AIDA meetings.

Dave McKeon, 127 Hillside Way, Camillus – spoke regarding his involvement with ACDC.

Bob Pennifeather, E. Lake Road, Auburn – spoke regarding his involvement with ACDC.

John Montone, Solvay – spoke to council about how ACDC played a major roll in starting the Public Power Agency.

Dave Smith, General Manager of NUCOR – spoke regarding the opportunities he feels ACDC will bring to Auburn.  He appreciates what ACDC has done.

John Smith, Retired from FOSTEC – spoke to council concerning ACDC.

Reports of City Officials None

Committee Reports – None

Presentations of Petitions and Communications – The Clerk read.


Ordinance #5 of 2005 authorizing amending Chapter 18 of the City Code of the City of Auburn §182-29 entitled “Housing Standards-Plumbing”. VOTE: Mayor Lattimore, Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey – aye,  CARRIED

Resolutions –

Mayor Lattimore asked that item 11H (resolution #46) be read first and council agreed.

Agreement Resolution #46 of 2005 authorizing the Mayor to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with Clean Communities of Central New York (CCCNY).    Mayor Lattimore invited Berry Carr, member of the CCCNY, to say a few words.  Mr. Carr talked about CCCNY.  VOTE:  Mayor Lattimore, Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey – aye. CARRIED

Council Resolution #39 of 2005 authorizing the City Manager to advertise for bids for the 2005 CDBG Sidewalk and Curb Replacement Program. VOTE: Mayor Lattimore, Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter – aye, Councilor Dempsey absent for vote.  CARRIED

Financial Resolution #40 of 2005 authorizing transfer of funds from the Contingency Account to finance the cost of diesel and unleaded fuel.  VOTE: Mayor Lattimore, Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, and Dempsey-aye.  CARRIED

Financial Resolution #41 of 2005 authorizing transfer of funds from the Equipment Reserve Account to finance the cost of Mobile Data software.  VOTE: Mayor Lattimore, Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, and Dempsey-aye.  CARRIED

Council Resolution #42 of 2005 authorizing the purchase of Mobile Data software from New Worlds Systems, in the amount of $58,000. VOTE: Mayor Lattimore, Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, and Dempsey-aye.  CARRIED

Sidewalk Resolution #43 of 2005 authorizing the financing of sidewalks on the 2004-05 Revolving Loan Sidewalk Program, to be charged back to the owner over a five (5) year period and to be charge to Account #HA 5947-440-001.  VOTE: Mayor Lattimore, Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Dempsey-aye, Council Hunter - abstained.  CARRIED

Council Resolution #44 of 2005 authorizing the Mayor to sign and execute a grant request to the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) for a $1,000,000 grant for the City of Auburn Incinerator Waste Heat Recovery Generation Project. ~VOTE: Mayor Lattimore, Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, and Dempsey-aye.  CARRIED

Award Resolution #45 of 2005 authorizing award of bid to Johnson Equipment of Tonawanda, New York for a Vehicle Mounted Pipeline Inspection System, in the amount of $109,995, to be charged to Account #HG 8120-230-EE.  VOTE: Mayor Lattimore, Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, and Dempsey-aye.  CARRIED

Council Resolution #47 of 2005 authorizing the City’s participation in the Cornell Local Roads Program – Roads Surface Management System (RSMS) summer intern project.  VOTE: Mayor Lattimore, Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, and Dempsey-aye.  CARRIED

Sewer-Water Repair Program Resolution #48 of 2005 authorizing financing for the repair/replacement of a sewer line on the Sewer-Water Repair/Replacement Program, in the amount of $6,000, to be charged to Account #HG 8120.44.003.  VOTE: Mayor Lattimore, Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, and Dempsey-aye.  CARRIED

Local Law - None

Tabled Legislation - None

Second Public to be Heard –

Joe Leogrande, 161 E. Genesee St. – spoke to Council in opposition to the proposed changes to trash pick up.

Other Business –

Councilor Dempsey passed out an AIDA financial statement.  He asked Chief Quill about purchasing used fire apparatus.  Chief Quill responded.

Councilor McNabb spoke in opposition of the proposed changes to trash collection.  He suggested the City enforce the rules already in place.  He also commented about skateboarders.  Chief Giannotta responded.

Councilor Hunter asked the City Manager questions about the landfill.  The City Manager responded.

Mayor Lattimore asked the City Manager to give an update on where we stand with the Alternate Daily Cover Material Bid.

The City Manager handed out the proposed budget to Council.

Meeting adjourned at 7:35 PM.